But can I go to Disney with health conditions?

Disneyland Park

I have health conditions, can I go to Disney? 🤔

The short and simple answer is, YES! But of course this is going to depend on your health and you're always best to double check with your doctor first if you're not sure. 

Travelling with Type 1 can be tricky, whether its a member of your travel group or yourself. There are key things you need to bare in mind when going on any Disney trip, whether it's Walt Disney World or Disneyland Paris. 

Things to remember:

🚶 You are going to be doing A LOT of walking 🚶

This is true of any Disney park across the world, but especially so if you're going to Walt Disney World. You're going to hear a lot of tips from other bloggers/vloggers about packing comfy shoes that won't rub your feet. This is good advice, especially as being Diabetic you need to look after your feet, but what I'm going to say is, keep an eye on those blood sugar levels. You're doing a lot of physical activity, so you're likely to go low. Keep glucose tabs, jelly babies, a bottle of regular Coke in your bag, anything that can be used to bring your sugar levels back into a good range. 

🥵 Hot Weather 🥵

If you're like me, hot temperatures cause your blood sugars to drop. Similarly to my walking tip, ensure you have plenty of hypo treatments with you. 
You may be someone who's sugars actually rise when it's hot, in this case, keep a close eye on your blood sugars and act appropriately. I personally don't give my usual correction doses when at Disney, because of the hot weather and also because of all the walking I'm doing. I do lower correction doses if my blood sugars are running high, as I'm more prone to then going hypo if I was to give my usual dose. But this is just me, my diabetes doesn't like to stick by what the book says it should do... 

🎢 Adrenaline 🎢

There is a lot of excitement and adrenaline when visiting a Disney park. You're meeting Mickey Mouse! Riding Space Mountain! There is just SO MUCH TO DO! Adrenaline and excitement can cause spikes in blood sugars. I personally let these be and don't correct unless my sugars have gone past a certain point. I know that I'm excited and that causes a spike. I always air on the side of caution when giving correction doses on Disney holidays because there's so much going on, that I would rather I didn't quite give enough and I have to follow up with a further correction, than give too much and have a hypo. But this is my personal preference. 

It's important to remember that no two diabetics are the same. What may work for me, may not work for you or the individual in your travel group. If you have a Dexcom or Freestyle Libre, remember to keep scanning yourself regularly and set low alarms. If you finger prick manually, remember to take time every so often to check your blood sugars too. 
Most importantly, remember to have fun and that you can do it!

See you again soon!

