What to pack for a holiday with Type 1 Diabetes - The Basics


How and what do I pack for travelling with Type 1 Diabetes? 

Packing for a holiday, whether it's a staycation or you're going abroad, can be daunting enough. What outfits am I going to pack? Does this even fit me anymore? Did I pack toothpaste already? How many swimsuits do I need?! But then you need to add your medical supplies to the mix too, and it can easily feel like you don't know what you've packed or where you've put it. Or maybe you don't know if you've packed too little or too much for your trip? 

Let's begin by breaking it down. How long are you going away for? Let's say you're going away for 6 nights/7 days. If you were at home, how much insulin do you use during this time usually? If you use an insulin pump, how many vials will that be in that week, how many cannulas? 

So for me, in a standard week I would use at home: 

  • 1 vial of insulin (for insulin pump)
  • 2/3 cannulas
  • 2/3 reservoirs

Now that list isn't considering my Libre 2, blood glucose meter or my insulin pens that I carry incase my pump fails. 

Let's look at what I would pack if I was going away for 6 nights/7 days: 

  • 2 vials of insulin (for insulin pump)
  • 6 cannuals
  • 6 reservoirs
  • 2 Lantus pre-filled pen 
  • 2 cartridges for bolus pen
  • Needles for insulin pens
  • 2 pack of blood glucose strips for meter
  • 1 pack of ketone strips
  • AA Batteries (for insulin pump) 
  • Hypo treatments (glucose tabs, apple juice etc.)

You may be looking at that list and thinking it looks excessive. I personally prefer to pack too much, than too little. When travelling with an insulin pump, it's important to remember to pack insulin pens just in case. And believe me, your pump can fail when you're away. It's happened to me once and it's an experience I do not wish to repeat again. You also want to pack plenty just in case any cannulas fail or you have any kind of delays

Of course if you're not on an insulin pump, you won't need to worry about the additional items required for a pump! Similarly, if you're travelling and will need to change your Dexcom or Libre sensor, add that to your list of things to take, if you don't want to transfer back to a blood glucose meter for the remainder of your trip away.

I always find the best way to keep track of what you need to pack and what you've packed is a list. Whether you do this on your phone, a spreadsheet or a physical handwritten list, it doesn't matter. What does matter is packing your medication! My dad has always said if you forget to pack your toothpaste, don't pack enough undies, it doesn't matter. What does matter is ensuring you have all the medication you need.

I hope this has been useful and please let me know in the comments if there is anything you always pack when travelling. 

See you again soon!

