Life Update

Hello everyone! 

I'm sure this doesn't really need a post, but I wanted to apologise for being absent for the past month. Life sometimes is hectic. We're actually moving house, so to have that on top of trying to train an adolescent puppy, generic life and an ever increasing work schedule, it has meant that I've put the blog on pause. 

This doesn't mean I'm gone for good. Just a small hiatus whilst trying to organise ourselves! 

During this time, I've actually celebrated my 27th Diaversary! A Diaversary for anyone who doesn't know, is your Diabetic Anniversary. 

It's always important to remember to take a break and rest, which is what I've been trying to do in the evenings after wearing out said little adolescent pup with a good long walk. 

Anywho, I shall be back posting again soon. We're moving at the end of the month/beginning of October, so I should have a designated office space to type away in. 

See you soon!

